• Date: 05.2014
  • Platform: Web
  • My Role: Ideation, User Research, Interviews, Interaction Design, Visual Design


The challenge was to simplify the UX Navigation for the SpaceIQ web app. The change seems to be simple but the impact of these kind of changes are tremendous. When the product was developed every new features was stuffed into the top menu somewhere and with the success of the product hundreds of space planners are used to the navigation now. Any change means they need to learn again.


Simplify the top Menu and sub menu and create a simple and usable UX navigation for the Web app. A navigation which can scale.


Card Sorting "game" with Interviews, OptimalSort, Invision Freehand, Adobe XD.


Arranged Interviews and In-person Card Sorting as well online Card Sorting for remote customers, employees. Based on Interviews and the card sorting results, created a new simplified UX navigation for the Web app.

UX Process

The UX Process consisted the following steps

  • Study the Existing UX Navigation
  • Understanding the Information Architecture
  • Find out the problems in the existing navigation
  • Interview users to understand the usage of the web app
  • Conduct the Card Sorting methodology with the users and the customers
  • Create wireframes for the UX Navigation
  • Create some final designs for the UX Navigation

Next Step - Card Sorting Game

I used sticky notes to create cards with one menu item in each card. I told the user that you need to create groups based on what seems to be logical for them I had a list of 25 menu items which I wanted user to group into 5-6 bins. I also used Optimal sort to create an online card sorting game for remote users. At the end of each interview I took the picture of all the groups and collected all the results.

For online card sorting I gave a simple explaination of what needs to be done and sent the link to card sorting through OptimalSort.

Once I had all the result and top 5 categories, I created a wireframe for further discussion.